Mindset Matters Bushy Martin.jpg
Here I have discussed with Bushy Martin how mindset matters in becoming a successful property investor.

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Success Leaves Clues - Ten with Ty.png
In this podcast with Ten with Ty, I have discussed both my successful and unsuccessful investment ventures, highlighting the benefits of selecting the greatest property in the best location and the significance of diversification.

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How to Create a Life of Fulfillment and Abundance with Goose McGrath.png
Recently, I was on a podcast with Goose McGrath. We had a chat about my thoughts on what makes people good with money and you can improve too.

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Jane is a real life example that Property Investing in Australia works. She's now living a life of service, not to an employer, but to thousands of people who want to improve their financial and overall happiness. Inspired? Hear her advice on how you can do the same. LEARN MORE 👇

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When people have financial security, they can live out their true purpose and impact the world. Jane Slack-Smith joins Get Invested to explain what it takes to make this happen.

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