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Welcome to the Exit The Matrix - Stories of Success Show

I am your Host, Jane Slack-Smith, we'll dive into inspiring stories of transformation, determination, and triumph, showcasing the power of personal development. Get ready to be motivated and energized, as we uncover the secrets of breaking free from the matrix and reaching new heights right here

Does it sound familiar to feel spiritually connected but struggle to manifest financial abundance?

You may have been told that simply working harder or saving more money is the key to achieving prosperity, only to feel stuck and frustrated.

The pain of feeling spiritually aligned but lacking financial abundance can be overwhelming, leaving you feeling disconnected and unfulfilled.

But there is a better way to achieve prosperity by integrating spirituality into your daily life and uncovering powerful techniques for manifesting abundance.

My very special guest in this episode is Angela Hryniuk and we dive deep into her story. Angela turned Trauma into Triumph: Overcoming Addiction to Help Others Prosper and has created a path for others to releasing money blocks for wealth and fulfillment

Angela Hryniuk (M.A.) has mastered the combined laws of money and enlightenment, a rare wisdom combo gifted to her off the back of 30+ years as a Master Spiritual Teacher and 18 years in her successful Vancouver-based accounting firm. But it was not all plain sailing from accountant to addiction she found a way to creating the life she loves.

In her capacities as an International Speaker, Addictions/Trauma specialist, Canadian born author of 6 books and 5 Meditation CDs, Angela has worked with the Dalai Lama, Bishop Tutu, King of Mongolia, the United Nations and President of India. These days her CV includes spiritually coaching, Olympians, millionaires and high achieving business owners.

She’s also shared the virtual stage with Olivia Newton John and Dr. Joe Dispenza, Chip Wilson (Founder, Lulu Lemon), Michael Gerber, Loral Langemeier, as part of the Wellness Business Owners Worldwide Summit. In 2022, her revolutionary method, the ATTM® was scientifically proven to heal suffering from adverse childhood experiences and trauma. She recently migrated from Australia to Costa Rica, where she misses the kangaroos but is intrigued by the monkeys.

We are set for success when we are gifted life, and it's us getting in the way of our own success that creates where we are with not having the abundance of prosperity that we want. - Angela Hryniuk

In this episode:

  • Discover Angela Hryniuk's inspiring spiritual journey and how it shaped her successful career.

  • Explore practical techniques for manifesting abundance and spirituality in your life.

  • Learn how to seamlessly integrate spirituality into your daily routine for a more fulfilling life.

  • Uncover powerful methods for overcoming unconscious beliefs around money and achieving financial prosperity.

  • Master a meditation practice designed to attract abundance and wealth into your life.

Angela has kindly offered a Prosperity Meditation to Exit the Matrix Podcast listeners. You can access that here https://exitthematrix.io/s/angelasbonus

As Always here is to Your Success


About The Show

Welcome to the "Exit the Matrix - Stories of Success Stories" podcast, where we celebrate the incredible journeys of individuals who have transcended their limitations and achieved extraordinary success. On each episode, we'll dive into inspiring stories of transformation, determination, and triumph, showcasing the power of personal development. Get ready to be motivated and energized, as we uncover the secrets of breaking free from the matrix and reaching new heights, right here...

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Apply here:    https://exitthematrix.io/page/guest

Sponsored by Your Success Club—"Your Way To Wealth". [ https://yoursuccessclub.com.au ]

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