[Jen Ramsey] From Exhausted to Energised

Season 1 Episode 3
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Welcome to the Exit The Matrix - Stories of Success Show

I am your Host, Jane Slack-Smith, we'll dive into inspiring stories of transformation, determination, and triumph, showcasing the power of personal development. Get ready to be motivated and energized, as we uncover the secrets of breaking free from the matrix and reaching new heights, right here

Join me today where  

My very special guest today is Jen Ramsey ...

The Accidental Sound Healer: How Jen Turned Personal Trauma into Her Life's Purpose

In the depths of burnout and exhaustion, Jen Ramsey's story takes an unexpected turn. Her journey is a rollercoaster of emotions from outward success to internal turmoil. But it wasn't until a life-threatening event that she experienced a profound awakening. How did this pivotal moment change her life forever?

I had this profound awareness that if my energy is everything, and I am responsible for my own creation, then I could use that energy and create something beautiful and actually be intentional about how I wanted my life to be. - Jen Ramsey

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Embrace personal growth and authenticity for a more fulfilling life.

  • Experience the transformative power of energy healing and sound therapy.

  • Discover the path to women's empowerment and finding your voice.

  • Learn effective burnout prevention and self-care techniques.

  • Uncover the secrets to finding inspiration and joy in life.

Join Jane and Jen at Jen's Bali Reconnect Retreats - get all the details here https://exitthematirx.io/s/reconnectretreat

Get Access to The Burnout Prevention Quiz as shared in the podcast by clilcking here https://exitthematrix.io/s/jenramsey

Jen is a women's leadership and empowerment coach passionate about helping busy women to recognise their brilliance – and to reconnect with their innate power, purpose and voice. In these times of change, Jen believes it's vital for women to stop playing small and show up confidently, lovingly, and empowered in the world.

She is passionate about showing women – who may be feeling exhausted and overwhelmed – how to harness their energy, time and sovereignty so they can step into their leadership and live their dreams.

Jen's path has involved 25 years in senior leadership roles and business, a long-time love affair with ancient wisdom, yoga and cutting-edge science and a side journey with anxiety. This adventure has shown her the vital importance of self-acceptance and self-compassion, personal energy management and sovereignty. She believes mastering these three elements is the key to more energy and joy and the chance to live our deepest desires. S

he offers transformation through 1:1 coaching, group programs, sound healing events and retreats in Bali. With a degree in Business Communication and qualifications in yoga, reiki, Nia dance and sound healing, Jen helps women reconnect with their greatness so they have more energy and can confidently live their purpose and shine their light in the next chapter of their lives.


About The Show

Welcome to the "Exit the Matrix - Stories of Success Stories" podcast, where we celebrate the incredible journeys of individuals who have transcended their limitations and achieved extraordinary success. On each episode, we'll dive into inspiring stories of transformation, determination, and triumph, showcasing the power of personal development. Get ready to be motivated and energized, as we uncover the secrets of breaking free from the matrix and reaching new heights, right here...

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Apply here:    https://exitthematrix.io/page/guest

Sponsored by Your Success Club—"Your Way To Wealth". [ https://yoursuccessclub.com.au ]

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